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Oregano oil is a powerful anti-infectious agent for respiratory, GI, nervous, lymphatic, reproductive, and hematological systems.  It has broad spectrum action against bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.  It is also a general tonic and immune stimulant.  It is a wonderful preventive for colds and flus. Oregano oil is an essential oil.
One of the active ingredients in oregano is phenol.  High quality oregano contains 60-80% phenols.  Phenol is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic.  According to Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, author of Medical Aromatherapy, "The hot phenols of oregano are tempered by anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene hydrocarbons.  He goes on to say that there are many different ingredients and constituents in essential oils which combine synergistically to form the unique essential oil with all its properties.

Dr. Jean Valnet, one of the fathers of modern aromatherapy, described in his classic book, The Practice of Aromatherapy, how researcher Cavel studied essential oils for their germ-killing properties.  Oregano oil proved effective in sterilizing sewage water in a concentration of 1%.  
According to Dr. Cass Ingram, author of The Cure Is In The Cupboard, advocates the use of wild oregano oil. He comments on the healing properties of oregano proven by modern research: "Destruction of all molds and fungi, disintegration of RNA and DNA viruses including the herpes viruses, inhibition of bacterial growth including staph, strep, and E. Coli, destruction of the parasite giardia lamblia, destruction of mold spores in the air, halting of the growth and/or destruction of skin fungi, increasing the output of bile, reversing pain and inflammation and improving the detoxification capacities of the liver."

Wild Oregano Oil

  • Oregano oil can be applied directly or undiluted to the bottom of the feet.  Elsewhere the high phenol contact of oregano oil can burn the skin.  Oregano can cause a burning sensation on the skin or the delicate mucosal membranes of the body.  It is best to dilute the oregano oil with extra virgin olive oil, almond oil, or grapeseed oil 1:1 ration before applying to the skin.  Oregano can also be diffused into the air by a cold air diffuser for respiratory ailments or to just purify the air.  Heating an essential oil destroys its therapeutic properties. 
    Wild Oil of Oregano is by far the most effective in boosting the body's natural immunity.  For internal ailments, use 1-3 drops diluted in 1 cup of water,  three timees a day to supercharge your immune system and maintain health.  

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