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This is a combination of herbs to sooth the inflammation from either bug bites, stings, or even boils and burns. With three very powerful herbs, Chickweed, Plantain, and Comfrey Root, this salve is sure to provide quick relief.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

Itch No More

  • Ingredients:  Organic chickweed, plantain, comfrey root, and essential oils of Ylang Ylang and Bergamot, with beeswax and olive oil.

    Chickweed, along with other botanicals, provides the necessary elements to put the body back into balance. Being so mild that it is commonly used as a culinary herb, it is another one that can “let your medicine be your food and let your food be your medicine.”
    For itching associated with rashes, hives, and eruptive diseases such as measles, the ointment or wash can provide welcome relief. A poultice enclosed in muslin is a sure remedy for a carbuncle or an external abscess, bathing the affected part with the tea as well (Grieves -Modern Herbal 196). For Erysipelas, a streptococcus disease characterized by deep redness and painful swelling, bathe the affected surface every half hour with a decoction of fresh chickweed. Also apply Chickweed ointment to the affected area.
    Chickweed also is effective for bolls and burns and is an excellent remedy for acne, used externally and internally as an added healing aid. The fresh leaves of bruised Chickweed applied to indolent, intractable ulcers on the leg, have been known to have beneficial results.
    Plantain:  Plantain's anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties make it one of the most effective herbal remedies for topical treatment of skin conditions such as inflammation, insect bites, cuts and bruises, eczema and dandruff. It contains allantoin, a compound that promotes cell growth and stimulates wound healing.
    Plantain also has astringent properties, which help to constrict or bind tissue, making it useful to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids and skin ulcers, as well as to help stop bleeding. A poultice made of plantain leaves can be used to draw out splinters or thorns, and plantain juice can be applied to burns to ease pain and promote healing.

    Comfrey Root:  Comfrey is known for its ability to speed up restorative processes of damaged tissues and bones. Comfrey is used with any bone pathology, rheumatoid lesions of the joints and gout, osteoporosis, arthritis. Comfrey roots aid in regenerating, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, bone healing processes and skin disorders.

  • LJP on 08/18/2015

    I really do use this on everything! A must have to carry in your purse or diaper bag especially in the summer months. Works effectively on bites, stings and burns. My son bumped the side of a hot pan one day and even though I had only used this product for bug bites and insect stings, it was the only thing on hand and I used it immediately following running cold water over the area. He is 7 years old and can be quite dramatic but after the salve was applied he quickly settled down and was playing again without any complaints. Later when I checked on the burn I expected to at lease see a mark or a slight blister but non was there. The skin was perfect and healthy! Another one of my must have products!

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