Lower Bowel Formula #1
Therapeutic Action: This Formula does many things for cleansing, healing, and strengthening the gastrointestinal tract. It stimulates peristaltic action to move waste quickly through the intestines and out of the body. This Formula is for about 97% of the population--those who have sluggish bowels, do not have a bowel movement for every meal, have hard or sinking stools, or have missed bowel movements in their life. The only people that this formula is not for are those whose bowels are irritated, hot or working too frequently. They should skip to Lower Bowel Formula #2.
Lower Bowel Formula #2
Therapeutic Action: This cleansing and soothing formula is to be used periodically in conjunction with LB Formula #1. This formula is a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum. It will draw old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets. It will also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and even remove radioactive material such as strontium 90. This formula will also remove over 3,000 known drug residues. Its natural mucilaginous properties will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal and also makes it an excellent remedy for any inflammation in the stomach and intestines.
Therapeutic Action: This perfectly balanced blend of superior nutritionally dense food is specifically formulated to supply you with natural food source vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential trace minerals. Nutrition is vital to the healing process. Whether you are healing a major disease or just cleansing for a healthier life, you need nutrition.
Superfoods provide God's "Master Builders" with the nutritional building blocks to do the work they were designed to do. We know there is a Master herb for every organ and function of the body. These herbs target the area of the body they support, promoting circulation and healing, restoring the body to health. What a lot of people do not understand is that the herbs alone to not contain or provide all the nutrition needed to do the work they are capable of doing.
If you want to get all the benefit possible from the herbal therapies you are doing you must provide these "Master Builders" with plenty of raw materials (nutrition) to rebuild with, otherwise it is the same as sending a master builder to your home site with blueprints and knowledge of how to build your home, but never providing him the materials to actually build with. You won't be moving in any time soon. Without plenty of "Nutrition" (Raw Building Material) to rebuild your body with you won't be seeing your personal miracle any time soon.
Nature has blessed us with certain foods and herbs that are so nutritionally potent, concentrated and complete, that I call them Superfoods. They are nature's blood transfusion. Getting that extra boost from these superior foods is the missing link that many have been searching for in their health program.
Kidney Bladder Tincture
Therapeutic Action: This combination of herbs act as a diuretic, disinfectant, and stimulant to the entire renal system, kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract. This tonic is both diuretic, increases the flow of urine, and disinfectant as it destroys urinary tract infections. This formula is very powerful in healing infections in the bladder or kidney, but also assists the kidneys in times of stress or in times of a healing crisis.
Uva Ursi leaf contains powerful phytochemicals such as volatile oils, arbutin, quercetin, and malic and gallic acids. Arbutin is highly antibacterial and destroys bacteria and fungus that infects the urinary system such as E. coli, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus, etc. One of the ways arbutin does this is by releasing aglycone hydroquinone and other phytochemicals into the urine. Quercetin is a capillary protectant, protecting the literally trillions of capillaries existing as part of the delicate kidney filtering system. Malic and Gallic acids, the same as found in apples and apple cider vinegar, have long been used for kidney and bladder infections.
All of the other herbs in this formula contain phytochemicals that are diuretic, anti-microbial or anti-inflammatory to the entire urinary system.
Liver/Gall Bladder Anti-parasite Tincture
Therapeutic Action: The herbs in this formula are famous for their ability to stimulate, cleanse, and protect the liver and gall bladder and rid the body of parasites.
Milk Thistle has certain chemicals not only bind to and coat liver cells. These phytochemicals not only heal previous liver damage but also protect the liver from future damage. Oregon Grape root bark, Gentian root, Wormwood leaves and Dandelion root are all classic bitter liver tonic herbs. These herbs not only stimulate digestion but also stimulate the liver to excrete more bile which in turn cleans both the liver and gall bladder. If you have been exposed to any toxic substances, had constipation, eaten large amounts of animal food or drank alcohol or other harmful beverages this formula is for you. It is also beneficial if you have had high cholesterol, blood fats or any family history of liver or gall bladder problems. Many believe that anyone who has cancer or any immune dysfunction had a weak congested liver to begin with. Even if a person has had their gall bladder removed these herbs will still be effective to clean the liver and bile ducts. The Black Walnut hulls, Wormwood and Garlic are strong anti-parasitical plants. Parasite infestation is a fact of life. One cubic inch of beef can have over 1,000 living parasites larvae waiting to hatch in your body. Over 65% of fresh fish tested has toxic levels of bacteria and parasites. Chicken is even worse. It works best if used in conjunction with both Intestinal formula #1 and #2. Use if parasites are suspected, or if there has been a history of bowel problems, constipation, eating of animal products, prolonged illness, disease or degeneration.
Echinacea Tincture
Therapeutic Action: Echinacea is one of the strongest immune simulators and enhancers known. It can double and triple the amount of T-cells and Macrophages in your bloodstream within a few days. It can also increase the amount of Interferon, Interleukin, Immunoglobulin and other important natural immune chemicals present in your blood. This is how Echinacea works, by boosting the number of immune cells and the amount of natural immune chemicals, then stimulating them into more activity. The benefit of immune stimulation is a shorter duration of existing colds and flu and/or prevention of future infections. It also initiates and speeds up recovery from chronic and long-term immune-related depression illnesses, diseases and degeneration.
Cayenne is the best herb to stimulate circulation and makes these already powerful immune herbs many times more effective. Garlic is the best, most effective broad spectrum antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal herb known. Echinacea and Garlic are the Herbal Dynamic Duo.
Detox Tincture
Therapeutic Action: This is a very powerful blood and lymph cleansing formula. This formula is based on the famous Hoxsey Formula, Dr. Christopher's Red Clover Tonic formula and many similar formulae from around the world.
These herbs are famous for scrubbing the accumulated toxins and poisons out of the body's blood, fat and cells. When using this formula, try to consume a gallon of water, juice and herbal tea each day.
After one of the late Dr. John Christopher's arrests he was instructed to never use the word cancer again. In a private conversation. . . regarding Red Clover Blossoms, he said "I just can't help myself, Red Clover is the antidote for cancer."
Chaparral is one of nature's most powerful anti-oxidants and has proven to break-up, destroy and dissolve all types of tumors